Dr. CHAN Sau Man, Sandra,
Associate Professor (Clinical)
Associate Professor (Clinical)
MBChB(CUHK), FRCPsych(UK), FHKAM(Psychiatry), FHKCPsych
Fax: (852) 2667-5464
Email: schan@cuhk.edu.hk
ORCID: 0000-0002-5916-139X
- Assistant Dean (Student Support), Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine
- Coordinating tutor of NTEC psychiatric training centre, Hospital Authority
- Director, Master of Science and Post-graduate Diploma in Mental Health
- Functional brain mapping for mood disorders
- Network-informed transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-refractory major depressive disorder
- Suicide risk factors and prevention programs
GRANTS RECEIVED (with year received):
- “Pre-treatment biomarker for clinical response to neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the acute phase treatment of refractory major depressive episode- role of intrinsic functional connectivity” [Research Grants Council – General Research Fund during 2015 – 2017, as PI]
- “Functional MRI Study -Neural Substrate of Vulnerability to Recurrence in Major Depressive Disorders”[Research Grants Council – General Research Fund during 2014 – 2016, as PI]
- “Is GABA-deficit the Link between Functional Dyspepsia and Major Depressive Disorder?” [Research Grants Council – General Research Fund during 2016 – 2017, as Co-I]
- “Clinical Efficacy of Neuro-navigated repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in the management of Depression in Major Neurocognitive Disorders– a single blind randomized control trial” [Research Grants Council – General Research Fund during 2016 – 2018, as Co-I]
- “A Population-based Telephone Survey to Evaluate the Changes in Mental Health Status of Hong Kong Community after a 3-year Mental Health Promotion Program” [Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR during 2015 – 2018, as Co-I]
- “Randomized Sham-controlled Trial of Augmentative Neuro-navigated Right-dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Low-frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Antidepressant Non-responding Bipolar Depression” [Food and Health Bureau – Health and Medical Research Fund during 2015 – 2018, as Co-I]
- “Would transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) enhance the effects of working memory training in older adults with mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD)?” [Research Grants Council – General Research Fund during 2015 – 2017, as Co-I]
- “Three Year Incidence and Progression of Common Mental Disorders (CMD) in Chinese Adult Population of Hong Kong” [Food and Health Bureau – Commissioned Research on Mental Health Policy and Services during 2014 – 2016, as Co-I]
- Lu H, Chan SSM, Lam LCW. Localized Analysis of Normalized Distance from Scalp to Cortex and Personalized Evaluation (LANDSCAPE): Focusing on Age- and Dementia-Specific Changes. J Alzheimers Dis. 2019;67(4):1331-1341.
- Zhong BL, Chan SSM, Liu TB, Chiu HF. Nonfatal Suicidal Behaviors of Chinese Rural-to-Urban Migrant Workers: Attitude Toward Suicide Matters. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2018 Oct 13.
- Zhong BL, Liu TB, Chan SSM, Jin D, Hu CY, Dai J, Chiu HFK. Common mental health problems in rural-to-urban migrant workers in Shenzhen, China: prevalence and risk factors. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2018 Jun;27(3):256-265.
- Zhong BL, Chan SSM, Liu TB, Jin D, Hu CY, Chiu HFK. Mental health of the old-and new-generation migrant workers in China: who are at greater risk for psychological distress? Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 7;8(35):59791-59799.
- Lu H, Chan SSM, Fung AWT, Lam LCW. Beyond a Differential Diagnosis: Cognitive and Morphometric Decoding of Information Processing Speed in Senior Adults with DSM-5 Mild Neurocognitive Disorders. J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;58(3):927-937.
- Lu H, Chan SSM, Lam LCW. ‘Two-level’ measurements of processing speed as cognitive markers in the differential diagnosis of DSM-5 mild neurocognitive disorders (NCD). Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 31;7(1):521.
- Opstelten JL, Beelen RMJ, Leenders M, Hoek G, Brunekreef B, van Schaik FDM, Siersema PD, Eriksen KT, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Tjønneland A, Overvad K, Boutron-Ruault MC, Carbonnel F, de Hoogh K, Key TJ, Luben R, Chan SSM, Hart AR, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Oldenburg B. Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A European Nested Case-Control Study. Dig Dis Sci. 2016 Oct;61(10):2963-2971.
- Zhong B-L, Liu T-B, Chan SSM, Dong J, Hu CY, Dai J, Chiu HFK. Prevalence and correlates of major depressive disorder among rural-to- urban migrant workers in Shenzhen, China. Journal of Affective Disorders 2015; 183: 1-9.
- Lu H, Chan SSM, Fung AWT, Lam LCW. Utility of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (Hong Kong Version) in the Diagnosis of Mild Neurocognitive Disorders (NCD): NCD due to Alzheimer Disease (NCD-AD) and NCD due to Vascular Disease (NCD-Vascular). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2016; 17(4):366-7.
- Dai J, Chiu HFK, Conner KR, Chan SSM, Hou J Z, Yu X , Caine ED. Suicidal ideation and attempts among rural Chinese aged 16-34 years — Socio-demographic correlates in the context of a transforming China. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011; 130: 438-46.