Adjunct/Honorary Members

Dr. Jihui ZHANG,
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dr. ZHANG Jihui,
Adjunct Assistant Professor (non-Clinical)
Adjunct Assistant Professor (non-Clinical)
Phd (CUHK)
Fax: (852) 2647-5321
ORCID: 0000-0002-4976-3039
- Epidemiology and genetic epidemiology of sleep disorders
- Pathogenesis of insomnia disorder
- Mechanisms underlying the close associations of mood disorders with sleep disorders and circadian rhythms
- Circadian Rhythms dysregulation in the unaffected adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar I disorder
躁鬱症患者的青少年子女晝夜節律失調研究 - Familial aggregation and biomarkers of REM sleep behavior disorder: a case-control family study
- Zhang Y, Ren R, Lei F, Zhou J, Zhang J, Wing YK, Sanford LD, Tang X. Response to commentary by Heidari and Arabzadeh on “Worldwide and regional prevalence rates of co-occurrence of insomnia and insomnia symptoms with obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis”. Sleep Med Rev. 2019 Aug;46:162-163.
- Lim LL, Tse G, Choi KC, Zhang J, Luk AOY, Chow E, Ma RCW, Chan MHM, Wing YK, Kong APS, Chan JCN. Temporal changes in obesity and sleep habits in Hong Kong Chinese school children: a prospective study. Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 10;9(1):5881.
- Liu Y, Zhang J, Lam SP, Yu MWM, Li SX, Zhou J, Chan NY, Wang J, Feng H, Chan A, Mok V, Wing YK. Electromyography activity level in rapid eye movement sleep predicts neurodegenerative diseases in idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder: a 5-year longitudinal study. Sleep Med. 2019 Apr;56:128-134.
- Zhang Y, Ren R, Lei F, Zhou J, Zhang J, Wing YK, Sanford LD, Tang X. Worldwide and regional prevalence rates of co-occurrence of insomnia and insomnia symptoms with obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev. 2019 Jun;45:1-17.
- Merikangas KR, Swendsen J, Hickie IB, Cui L, Shou H, Merikangas AK, Zhang J, Lamers F, Crainiceanu C, Volkow ND, Zipunnikov V. Real-time Mobile Monitoring of the Dynamic Associations Among Motor Activity, Energy, Mood, and Sleep in Adults With Bipolar Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018 Dec 12.
- Wang F, Zhang L, Wu S, Li W, Sun M, Feng W, Ding D, Yeung-Shan Wong S, Zhu P, Evans GJ, Wing YK, Zhang J, Vlaanderen JJ, Vermeulen RCH, Zhang Y, Chan EY, Li Z, Tse LA. Night shift work and abnormal liver function: is non-alcohol fatty liver a necessary mediator? Occup Environ Med. 2019 Feb;76(2):83-89.
- Liu Y, Zhang J, Li SX, Chan NY, Yu MWM, Lam SP, Chan JWY, Li AM, Wing YK. Excessive daytime sleepiness among children and adolescents: prevalence, correlates, and pubertal effects. Sleep Med. 2019 Jan;53:1-8.
- Rao S, Siu CO, Shi M, Zhang J, Lam MHB, Yu M, Wing YK, Waye MMY. Associations of Homer Scaffolding Protein 1 gene and psychological correlates with suicide attempts in Chinese: A pilot study of multifactorial risk model. Gene. 2018 Dec 30;679:382-388.
- Suh S, Cho N, Zhang J. Sex Differences in Insomnia: from Epidemiology and Etiology to Intervention. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2018 Aug 9;20(9):69.
- Zhang J, Lam SP, Li SX, Liu Y, Chan JWY, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Li AM, Wing YK. Parental history of depression and higher basal salivary cortisol in unaffected child and adolescent offspring. J Affect Disord. 2018 Jul;234:207-213.

Prof. S. LEE,
Clinical Professor
Clinical Professor

Prof. Sing LEE,
Clinical Professor
Clinical Professor
MBBS, FRCPsych(UK), FHKAM(Psychiatry)
Fax: (852) 2144-5129
Positions and Experience 專業資歷及職銜
- Fellow, The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, 1994.
香港醫學專科學院院士 (1994) - Freeman Foundation Fellowship, Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical, School, Boston, USA, 1996-7.
美國哈佛大學醫學院 社會醫學系Freeman Foundation 訪問學人 (1996 – 1997) - Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists (FRCPsych, UK), 1999.
英國皇家精神科醫學院榮授院士 (1999) - Lecturer, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA, 1997-2003.
美國哈佛大學醫學院 全球健康與社會醫學系講師 (1997 – 2003) - Advisor to the Eating Disorders Work Group of the DSM-IV (1994), American Psychiatric Association, USA.
美國精神醫學會 精神疾病的診斷與統計手冊 進食失調症工作組顧問 (1994) - Advisor to Section on Eating Disorders, DSM-Text Revision (2000) Work Group, American Psychiatric Association, USA
美國精神醫學會 精神疾病的診斷與統計手冊(修定版)進食失調症工作組顧問 (2000) - Chairman, Section on classification and diagnostic assessment, World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 1999-2003.
世界精神病學協會 疾病分類及診斷評估組主席 (1999 – 2003) - Director, Hong Kong Eating Disorders Center, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999-2019.
香港中文大學 香港進食失調中心 中心主管 (1999 – 2019) - Director, Hong Kong Mood Disorders Center, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001-2019.
香港中文大學 香港健康情緒中心 中心主管 (2001 – 2019) - Member of the “Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders” workgroup of the DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association, USA, 2006-2013.
美國精神醫學會 精神疾病的診斷與統計手冊 身體症狀及相關障礙工作組成員 (2006 – 2013) - Asia-Pacific regional coordinator, World Mental Health Initiative; previously Chief Scientific Advisor, World Mental Health Survey in China (Beijing, Shanghai), organized by Harvard School of Public Health and World Health Organization, since 2000.
美國哈佛大學公共衛生學院及世界衛生組織主辦 世界精神衛生調查行動 亞太區協調員; 美國哈佛大學公共衛生學院及世界衛生組織主辦 世界精神衛生調查行動 世界心理健康調查(北京及上海)前首席科學顧問 (自2000年起) - Board member of the Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association.
Founding advisor of the Hong Kong FamilyLink Mental Health Advocacy Association.
香港家連家精神健康倡導協會創始顧問 - Clarivate Analytics “Highly Cited Researchers 2018, 2019, and 2020”
Clarivate Analytics 「2018, 2019 及 2020 年最廣獲徵引研究人員」

Dr. Kelly Y C LAI,
Clinical Associate Professor
Clinical Associate Professor

Dr. Kelly Y C LAI,
Clinical Associate Professor (honorary)
Clinical Associate Professor (honorary)
Fax: (852) 2667-5464
- Honarary Consultant, Against Child Abuse
- Honarary Advisor, Project Aspire, Institute of Education
- Executive Committee Member, Society of Boys’ Centres
- Eating disorders
- ADHD service related research
- Li Y, Hou CL, Ma XR, Zang Y, Jia FJ, Lai KYC, Ungvari GS, Ng CH, Cai MY, Xiang YT. Nicotine dependence in community-dwelling Chinese patients with schizophrenia. Gen Psychiatr. 2019 Feb 23;32(1):e100014.
- Chan SKC, Zhang D, Bögels SM, Chan CS, Lai KYC, Lo HHM, Yip BHK, Lau ENS, Gao TT, Wong SYS. Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention (MYmind) for children with ADHD and their parents: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2018 Nov 12;8(11):e022514.
- Ma JLC, Lai KYC, Xia LLL. Treatment Efficacy of Multiple Family Therapy for Chinese Families of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Fam Process. 2018 Jun;57(2):399-414.
- Lai KYC, Ma JLC, Xia LLL. Multifamily Therapy for Children With ADHD in Hong Kong: The Different Impacts on Fathers and Mothers. J Atten Disord. 2018 Feb 1:1087054718756195.
- Li Y, Hou CL, Ma XR, Zhong BL, Zang Y, Jia FJ, Lin YQ, Lai KYC, Chiu HFK, Ungvari GS, Hall BJ, Cai MY, Ng CH, Xiang YT. Quality of life in Chinese patients with schizophrenia treated in primary care. Psychiatry Res. 2017 Aug;254:80-84.
- Wan ESF, Ma JLC, Lai KYC, Lo JWK. The Subjective Experiences of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder of Chinese Families in Hong Kong: Co-Construction of Meanings in Multiple Family Groups. Health Soc Work. 2016 Aug 1;41(3):164-172.
- Shea CKS, Lee MMC, Lai KYC, Luk ESL, Leung PWL. Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders in Hong Kong Chinese Children With ADHD. J Atten Disord. 2018 Mar;22(5):403-413.